Personalized Blends
I take an explicitly holistic approach, whether it be skin care or lifestyle. I always try to follow this approach when I select essential oils for our products. I also take the same approach when I prepare personalized blends. Every person is different, so I have to cater for a variety of personalities.
Customers contact me with various needs, demands, which is why I find it exceptionally important to give customers the unique synergy they ask for.
Most of the essential oils have properties and effects that go beyond skin care: they help relieve anxiety, stress, improve your mood and have an energising effect. They evoke memories, influence decisions. The plants are truly powerful, especially in such a concentrated form as essential oils, which is why they always have to be applied to the skin in a diluted form.
Patrick Süskind in his novel Perfume: The Story of a Murderercaptures perfectly what I think how aromatherapy and scents influences us, our emotions and feelings:
„For people could close their eyes to greatness, to horrors, to beauty, and their ears to melodies or deceiving words. But they couldn’t escape scent. For scent was a brother of breath. Together with breath it entered human beings, who couldn’t defend themselves against it, not if they wanted to live. And scent entered into their very core, went directly to their hears, and decided for good and all between affection and contempt, disgust and lust, love and hate.”
My method
What do you have to do?
The nose as olfactory sensor is a very important ‘tool’ in aromatherapy. I use smell and the scents of essential oils to keep the balance of mind, body and soul. Research and experiments conducted in connection with smell have proven that scents trigger a reaction in us. They have a beneficial effect on our emotional and physical state, particularly in the case of stress-related problems; therefore, may help improve your mood or may help us get to know ourselves and others better.
Every scent tells a different story. I am here to guide you to find and express yours with the help of natural aromas and essences.
I really love animals; however, scents have a much more intense impact on them than they do on us, so I always take this into account when I prepare the unique blends. Please be sure to tell me if you have a pet in the consultation phase to avoid causing your pet discomfort.
Contact us via the email address zita@margallitiskincare.com, ask for the Assessment Form, based on which I will prepare your very own essential oil blend especially designed for you.
This is a dynamic collaboration between you and I. I use specially selected therapeutic quality essential oils that match your needs.
The final blend may take a variety of forms:
•botanical perfume
•massage oil
•body oil
•essential oil blend to use in a diffuser
•interior perfume
INFORMATION (Disclaimer):
Mar Galliti skin care & botanicals products are not therapeutic products and are not destined to treat illnesses, but to prevent these. They are not an alternative to therapy or professional medical care. The information presented on the website is not based on the research conducted by Mar Galliti skin care & botanicals, but on 1. the scientific findings, results and medical findings relating to the ingredients of certain cosmetic products; 2. the experiences, observation of the users of Mar Galliti skin care & botanicals cosmetic products; 3. the information received from the partners supplying the ingredients. The information provided on the website is for general information purposes, does not convey the expert opinion of the National Institute for Food and Nutrition Science or the National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition.